Orion Magazine/ Inside the Deepest Artificial Hole on Earth
Even in a horizontal, flat landscape, cosmology runs vertical. From up—heaven, to down—hell. In between, the interface—that thin crust upon which life is rooted. A tender, fragile layer that humans can turn into infernal landscapes...excerpt from our sound atlas, that Isaac Yuen and I wrote, published in one of my dream publications, the US bases environmental magazine Orion. Read the full article here.
Winner. Best Literary Travelbook 2024.
The ITB, the worlds biggest tourism fair, have just announced that we will be awarded Best Literary Travel Guide. We thank the Jury and all of our readers. The ceremony will be on March 5th, 2024 in Berlin.
Wisdom of the Sea/ Japan Travelogue
Seven weeks in Japan, researching bodies of water and loneliness, thanks to a grant by the Okeanos Foundation for the Sea. The 14 travelogues are now online and can be read in German or English.
"My own pilgrimage was to feel into the connections we have with water: the sea, rivers, canals, estuaries, waterfalls, sacred lakes, mundane ponds, aquascapes and street aquariums. The lives they hold; our estrangement from their flows and the loneliness this stirs within us. I am hoping to be taken to places and thoughts I had not foreseen."
Einsamkeit in Japan
Mein Beitrag über die Einsamkeit in Japan auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Weltzeit. Hier zum Nachhören in der Mediathek. Danke an den Redakteur Andre Zantow.
„Das Wort Kodoku bedeutet nicht einfach nur Einsamkeit oder Zurückgezogenheit (loneliness and solitude). Es hat nicht diesen negativen Beigeschmack. In Japan hat Einsamkeit eine mehrdeutige Interpretation. Sie kann sowohl negativ, als auch positiv gedeutet werden.“